Course goals
This course is intended to be a practical tool for learning how to prosodically label Spanish speech data in the Sp_ToBI framework, which is based on the metric-autosegmental model.
The system is based on the works of Beckman and others, subsequently revised by Estebas-Vilaplana & Prieto (2011); Hualde & Prieto (2015) ; Prieto & Roseano (2018) .
It is especially appropriate for undergraduate or graduate students with a background in linguistics (phonology or phonetics), cognitive psychology (psycholinguistics), speech acoustics or music, who wish to learn about the prosody of speech in general (intonation, rhythm, grouping and prominence patterns of spoken utterances), and specifically, Spanish prosody.
The data presented on this website are based on the analysis of Northern Peninsular Spanish.
For more information on dialectal varieties in intonation, please refer to Hualde & Prieto (2015) .